In today’s smartphone world, brands are pushing the envelope in being present in every part of your digital life – that includes the App Store of your smartphone. For both Android and Apple Store, you can deploy your very own app without writing any code, use building tools that will assist you in bringing content and theme colors over, and set up navigation, content, notifications, promotions, social media linkages and help strengthen your brand to your client base.
Why add an App?
While your eCommerce store is the core of your business infrastructure as an eCommerce merchant, your clients that are either B2B, B2C or D2C all carry a smartphone in their pockets. Reaching them with news of your activities can be drowned out in Emails, Social Media notifications or in-store banners/advertisements. The best way to reach them is via an App, which can notify them on particular events to which you have a roadmap to get their engagement.
CMS (Content Management System) in App Building
Just like setting up your eCommerce store in a system like Shopify, where themes are ready for you to pick up and run with implementing your brand, products, and content – an App Building tool like AppInstitute can build your very own app in a similar manner, and deploy it in the App Stores of Google and Apple. The tools of today do not require you to know anything technical, you get online support if you have questions, how-to-videos, and plenty of examples. Additionally, templates of business types are already pre-set to apply to your app, then you can modify it to your liking and particular business model. You can also add tools for your clients such as a store finder, push notifications and apply analytics to further understand your user base.
Impress your clients with your business savvy
Where customer relations, retaining your customers with loyalty incentives and programs and growing your brand recognition – an App should be considered even at the small business level. A lot of clients are shy in expressing their desire to learn/know more about a brand/product/service they like, as it exposes them to additional marketing materials that can clog up their Email box. However, an app that can be useful to have in your pocket in which you can interact and check-in without visiting the store is great.
Places like Burger King have an app just to hold its coupons, refreshed every week as they get redeemed. Every time you stop by, your coupon is on your phone, instantly saving up to 66% on certain meal items. Does that draw you closer to that brand vs. a competing brand? At a smaller store level, here is a testimonial of a Café Shop using the App for their business.
Wired Café
In today’s world of Tech, you can no longer just “build it and they will come” – it is all about pushing out your brand in every key marketplace, which includes the App stores. Most small businesses will qualify for this need, and the strategy for your digital presence should consider it. The smartphone has changed how people engage with products and services – you are no longer just competing on the web, but in your client’s pocket. Check out if this right for you at www.appinstitute.com
AppInstitute – Easy to setup: